Welcome to Healthy curves!
I can’t wait to share my story with you!
I’ve been on my weight loss journey for almost 4 months now and I lost (drum roll!!!) 25 pounds!
My first post will review how I achieved my weight loss...I still have a long way 2 go as my ultimate goal is to lose 150 pounds! I have no choice but to be motivated and to push myself further than ever!
I read different books on weight loss. I also found some great Youtube channel and Facebook pages. The book that had the most impact on me was “The 4 day diet” by Dr. Ian Smith. The first half of the book is purely motivational. It helped me face the truth about my weight. In order to do so you’re asked to answer a series of question like: “Why are you currently overweight and how it affect your self esteem? Why did previous diets fail?...” The book helped me understand that because I gained my weight gradually over the years
I could not expect to lose it in 2-3 months...I had to be realistic about my goal and it meant I had to change MY LIFESTYLE and not JUST DIET for a few months...So I started to 4 day diet. It consist of 4 days module like detox, transition, protein, ect...AND IT WAS A MAJOR FAIL. I lasted One day on that diet (not even, I was so hungry)! So the Books get 5/10 because only half the content helped me.
I could not expect to lose it in 2-3 months...I had to be realistic about my goal and it meant I had to change MY LIFESTYLE and not JUST DIET for a few months...So I started to 4 day diet. It consist of 4 days module like detox, transition, protein, ect...AND IT WAS A MAJOR FAIL. I lasted One day on that diet (not even, I was so hungry)! So the Books get 5/10 because only half the content helped me.
I didn’t have to look very far...I’ve been thinking of joining weight watchers for a while. So I did.
I needed a diet that will allow me to eat normal food and not feel deprived or guilty if I ate a fruit or a potato or at the restaurant!
Step 3) Get moving
I had to find a fun workout. I’ve had a gym membership for most of my adult life (little good it did me!). I just needed a fun workout to do at home. After losing a few pounds with WW (Weight Watchers) I was so motivated and I started doing P90X at home at MY OWN PACE! I also started walking. At first I would only go around the block (BORING). I found my walks to me more effective it I was actually going somewhere(lol) so I started walking to do my errands or the movies to meet my friends, or walk part of the way when I was going to see my parents.
That is the hardest things for me. I do it by setting reasonable goals. And once I achieve it, I CELEBRATE! I allow myself to CHEAT because it a lifestyle. I do eat unhealthy foods IN MODERATION. I also switch up my work out. So I mix everything: Treadmill, DVD Work outs, walking and jogging, I also join my friends during their work out (Zumba, Pull-up Bar Workout, kizomba dance class)
Well That’s it for me and WORK THOSE HEALTHY CURVES!